Saturday, December 9

Christmas Pyjamas from TwinkleDeals

Coucou everyone,

Last Friday we had a cold rainy day, so we stayed at home in our Pj's. 
I love pyjamas day, doing nothing all day long, relaxing in our cozy room reading, watching movies, eating cakes and drinking hot chocolate. 
It's magical ;-) Once in a while it's nice to have a day off, especially when it's so cold outside.
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Christmas pyjamas is a must for me.
Every year I need to have a new festive, Christmas inspired nightwear. It's a tradition, I have so many of them now. They are always lovely, super soft, warm, comfortable and cute.
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Have you got your Christmas Pj's ready? 
Not yet? 
Need an inspiration?
Take a look at TwinkleDeals collection and get inspired.
Let Christmas spirit come into your house, be pyjama ready. It's time to enjoy this festive season.



When a little extra inspiration is needed


  1. What a fabulous idea for a great tradition, Dusana!!
    I love this!!

  2. Christmas pj's are such a lovely holiday tradition! Your's looks so festive and cozy at the same time.

  3. These pyajams are super cute. like it.
    Thanks for stopping at my blog and comment, i am your new follower #251, hope you follow me back.

  4. I have to admit, dear Dusana, I don't own a pyjama :) But what you show here is very cute! Thanks for sharing!
    xx from Bavaria/Germany, Rena
